
Q1. 電結他和木結他有什麼分別?我應該先學木結他嗎? 








A4。“F 大調和弦”通常是用左手食指按下多根弦的封閉和弦。對於初學者來說,如果練習方法錯誤,會感到相當痛楚,而且效果不佳。其實,嘗試了解和弦構成的理論,先學習彈奏開放和弦(開放和弦:每個手指只按一個音),和不同的指法(不同的和弦發聲),按住學生的階段演不指法的F大調和弦,其實F大調和弦並沒有我們想像的那麼難彈。

FAQs for Beginner Guitar Learners

Q1. What is the difference between electric guitar and acoustic guitar? Should I learn the acoustic guitar first? 

A1. The main difference is that the various guitars are used for different types of performances: for example, the tone of acoustic guitar is softer, suitable for playing folk songs and some softer music. Meanwhile the electric guitar with distortion effect is more suitable for playing rock music and heavy metal music. 

But no matter whether you learn to electric guitar or acoustic guitar ,there is no difference in the basic skills to learn at the beginning. But if you plan to learn rock songs, you need to play his unique skills in the long term, such as tapping, bending, and so on.

Q2. How long do I have to learn to learn to play a song?

A2. First of all, you need to clarify the definition of “playing a song”, for example: just playing the monophonic melody of the song, making the audience recognize what song, or just singing the chords is also a song, or even Chord Melody's guitar solo is a song. Everyone has a different goal, so the time each person can "play a song" is very different. In addition, it depends on the number of hours of exercise, the concentration of practice, and the frequency of practice. Practice makes perfect!

Q3.Which types of music notations do guitarists read? Numbered Notation? Chord Chart?

A3. The all music notations mentioned above can be read by guitarists, because guitar is a most  popular instrument in the world that has been involved in different genres across the ages. Different composers or arrangers will have different ways of visualise music in terms of different creative purposes. So any types of music notations can be read by guitarists. 

Q4. Why is F Chord so hard to play? How can I overcome it?

A4. The “F Chord” is usually a barre chord pressing by more than one strings with left index finger. For beginners, if the practice method is wrong, it will be quite painful and ineffective. In fact, try to understand the theory of chord composition and learn to play open chords (open chord: only one tone per finger), F Chord is not as difficult as we think, and there are many different finger placement (different Chord Voicing) ), suitable for students to enter different stages of playing.